
Orono Chiropractic has been the chiropractic authority on sports injuries for the last 20 years. Let our extensive experience work for you.
Your optimum performance is just a call away.
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Common Conditions Treated with Chiropractic
- Asthma
- Auto accident/Whiplash injuries
- Back pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Dizziness/Vertigo
- Extremity pain, weakness, numbness, tingling
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches/Migraines
- Ear aches
- Infantile colic
- Neck pain
- Pregnancy
- Sciatica
- Sports injuries
- Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD)
- Work-related injuries

While chiropractors offer a variety of treatments for musculoskeletal conditions, about 80% of patients visiting a chiropractor receive some form of spinal manipulation. Spinal manipulation is a unique form of hands-on treatment (manual therapy) that is distinct from other forms of manual therapy such as massage and mobilization. While chiropractors sometimes refer to spinal manipulation as an “adjustment” or part of an adjustment, the term spinal manipulation is easier to define, more precise, and more widely used worldwide.
Spinal manipulation is the application of a force (a quick, shallow thrust) to hypomobile (restricted) joints that moves the target joint or nearby joints slightly beyond their normal range of movement in order to restore proper joint motion. Spinal manipulation is often accompanied by an audible “pop”. This is dissolved gas released from joint fluids by a quick drop in pressure. This gas suddenly joins into small bubbles, making a popping sound. Studies have shown that it is not always necessary to hear the audible pop for a spinal manipulation to be effective.
Chiropractors are also trained to manipulate other non-spinal joints such as shoulders, hips, ankles, wrists, elbows, temporomandibular joint, to name a few. The ability to perform these manipulations on the extremities enables us to effectively treat sports injuries and exercise-induced injuries.
For great information, please visit the American Chiropractic Association at

Therapeutic exercise
Therapeutic exercise includes any exercise planned and performed to attain a specific physical benefit in order to reduce pain, return you to full function, and prevent further injury. Benefits of therapeutic exercise include improvement and maintenance of range of motion, strengthening of weakened muscles, increased joint flexibility, improved coordination and endurance, and improved cardiovascular and respiratory function. In our office, we create an individualized rehabilitation program using TheraBand resistance bands. Please go to or thera-bandacademy.comfor product descriptions and an exercise library resource!

Neuromuscular Re-education
Neuromuscular reeducation is a form of therapy that re-educates the nervous system in order to improve and regain proper movement patterns. This therapy involves manual muscular stretching (PIR – post isometric relaxation/PNF – proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), myofascial release techniques, balance/coordination exercises, and deep-tissue massage. Neuromuscular reeducation is very effective in reducing or eliminating the devastating cycle of pain.
This treatment focuses on breaking adhesions that bind muscles and impair nerves. Without proper function of the muscles, proper facilitation of the nerves, and full range of motion of the joint(s), pain and functional limitations occur ranging from mild to severe. Neuromuscular reeducation will maximize your strength and allow you to move with more balance and efficiency in your daily life.
Generally, massage is known to affect the circulation of blood and the flow of blood and lymph, reduce muscular tension or flaccidity, affect the nervous system through stimulation or sedation, and enhance tissue healing.
In addition to the effects neuromuscular reeducation has on the nervous system, here are a few more benefits:
- reduction of muscle tension and stiffness
- greater flexibility and range of motion
- promote proper movement patterns
- improvement of the circulation of blood and movement of lymph
- reduction in the formation of excessive scar tissue following soft tissue injuries
- improvement in posture through changing tension patterns that affect posture
We will provide an individualized program based on goals set by your treatment plan and by you!

Graston Technique
The Graston Technique® incorporates a patented form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively detect and treat scar tissue and restrictions that affect normal function.
The Technique:
- Separates and breaks down collagen cross-links, and splays and stretches connective tissue and muscle fibers
- Increases skin temperature
- Facilitates reflex changes in the chronic muscle holding pattern
- Alters spinal reflux activity (facilitated segment)
- Increases the rate and amount of blood flow to and from the area
- Increases cellular activity in the region, including fibroblasts and mast cells
- Increases histamine response secondary to mast cell activity

Kinesio Taping
The Kinesio Taping® Method and RockTape are two brands of taping that we use in our office. These are rehabilitative taping techniques that are designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. Kinesiology taping provides the following:
- supports and stabilizes muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion.
- mechanical tissue decompression to relieve pain and increase circulation.
- extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered at our office.
- ability to re-educate the neuromuscular system by stimulating sensory nerves and altering the sensation pathway to the brain, altering the output to the taped area.
- reduce pain and inflammation, enhance performance, prevent injury, and promote circulation
- treats a variety of injuries including orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological, post-surgical adhesions and scars
- Kinesiology tape is latex-free and can be worn for days at a time (3-4 days). Most brands of Kinesio tape have multiple varieties of “stickiness” to the tape making it very safe for all populations ranging from pediatric to geriatrics.
- Kinesiolog tape can be stretched in different “weights” depending on the goal of the treatment.
Based upon years of clinical use, Kinesio® Tex Tape and RockTape are specifically applied to the patient based upon their specific needs following evaluation. The findings of the assessment dictate how the tape is applied as well as any other possible treatments or modalities. Kinesio tape and Rocktape can be applied in hundreds of different ways and in a variety of different patterns. The shape, pattern, and amount of stretch placed on the tape when applying is dictated by the purpose and/or goal of the treatment.

Axial Decompression Therapy is a non-surgical treatment designed to improve herniated discs as well as degenerative discs (arthritis of the spine) in the neck and low back. It is also effective in treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
The discs of the spine are made of a firm outer covering called the Annulus Fibrosus, and a soft, jelly-like substance on the inside called the Nucleus Pulposus. The purpose of each disc is to act as a cushion between the vertebrae, and to separate the vertebrae so there is enough room for the nerves to exit the spine and travel to the different parts of the body.
When a disc herniates, the firm, outer covering (Annulus Fibrosus) tears and the jelly-like fluid (Nucleus Pulposus) starts to push through the outer layer. This creates a “bulge”, which usually compresses the nerves of the spine or the spinal cord, causing severe pain and loss of normal function. Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD – one form of arthritis of the spine) occurs when the jelly-like fluid (Nucleus Pulposus) begins to evaporate and shrink. This condition progressively becomes worse with time. In both cases (the herniated disc and DDD), the disc becomes shorter (compresses), which pinches nerves of the spine and causes pain and other symptoms, depending on the disc involved.
Axial Decompression Therapy is designed to decompress the herniated/degenerated disc, utilizing a series of traction/relaxation cycles with increasing strength over a period of approximately 20 minutes. Axial Decompressioncreates a negative intradiscal pressure to retract the “bulging” disc material and hydrates the disc with healing nutrients. The treatment itself is very relaxing, and has a very high success rate (86%) in correcting these types of conditions.

Electrical Stimulation
Electric muscle stimulation mimics the body’s nervous system by sending safe, low frequency electrical pulses to the affected area, causing the muscle to contract and increasing temperature and blood circulation. The same natural process of the body to repair injuries works with EMS to relieve other common nervous system disorders, including constant headaches, numbness of limbs, and back pain. This type of therapy uses light electrical pulses that are transmitted to specific areas of the body through electrodes placed on the skin. There are many different types of electrical stimulation: some for pain relief, inflammation reduction, muscle spasm, and reduce muscle atrophy. A great resource to see what we have to offer is located here:

Therapeutic ultrasound is a form of deep heat therapy created by high frequency sound waves to minimize pain and movement dysfunction. When applied to soft tissues and joints, the sound waves create a deep heat and form of micro-massage that help reduce swelling, increase blood flow, as well as decreasing pain, stiffness, and spasms.